Support Forum - Multi-DLL exact usage

08/16/2004 14:22 Andres Sanchez wrote:


I would like to know how to integrate the FRB to my MultiDLL project,
I am using Capesoft MultiProj, I have seen the template for that, but
I dont know what does, where exactly do I have to put the Report Manager.

All this is because I have tried with no luck to add the FRB at one of my
Multi-DLL projects. In single app it works fine.

I am having errors of not recognizing the FRB::ReportFileName variable nor


08/16/2004 14:25 Andres Sanchez wrote:

Sorry I forgot to tell you that I am using C60ee Gold

08/21/2004 03:30 Oleg Fomin wrote:


I am not sure how exactly integrate FRB & MultiProj, since appropriate
extension template was given by Bruce Jonson (CapeSoft).

But the problem with "not recognizing the FRB::ReportFileName variable nor
FRB::ReportEditAction" can be solved by adding C6FRBX.LIB into that DLL

  Oleg Fomin <>

06/22/2005 21:32 Jaaljuba wrote:


Where add C6FRBX, in the DataDll or in the ReportDll?.    

I have one application composed in 4 dlls: Data, Report, Browse and Main, add
Check Dll List in the DataDll but in the BrowseDll mark error
FRB::ReportEditAction, etc.

06/23/2005 05:15 Oleg Fomin wrote:


> I have one application composed in 4 dlls: Data, Report, Browse and Main,
> Check Dll List in the DataDll but in the BrowseDll mark error
> FRB::ReportEditAction, etc. 

Yes, the must have CheckDLLExportList template extension.

As for and other apps, you don't need to add/remove C6FRBX.LIB
into/from the project manually. This is a job for FRB templates.

...written some time later...
Oops, it is not quite right. As I can see, the LaunchRunTimeReport code
template does not add C6FRBX.LIB into the project automatically. Most
probably, you are using this template in your without any
other FRB templates. 

...written at last...
Please, download just released FRB v.2.93.03. It contains fixed
LaunchRunTimeReport code template. Hopefully, it can help to solve this

Best regards,
  Oleg Fomin <>

06/23/2005 13:15 Jaaljuba wrote:

Hi, sorry Oleg don't work with C6, we have C55 and FRB 2.7.

06/23/2005 14:45 Oleg Fomin wrote:


As I wrote in the previous message of this thread:

> Please, download just released FRB v.2.93.03. It contains fixed
LaunchRunTimeReport code template. 

This version available for C5, C5.5, C6.1, C6.2
Just go and use your registered e-mail

Best regards,
  Oleg Fomin <>

-----Original Message-----
From: Jaaljuba [mailto:Jaaljuba] 
Sent: Thursday, June 23, 2005 9:16 PM
Subject: Re: [FRB] Multi-DLL exact usage

Hi, sorry Oleg don't work with C6, we have C55 and FRB 2.7.

06/23/2005 17:09 Jaaljuba wrote:

Thank Oleg, it worked perfect ;)

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